Well well well! I've been back in the UK for 3 weeks now and I have to admit it hasn't been as bad as I was expecting! Although I miss Finland to pieces and everybody there, it's been ok here! The weather has been surprisingly lovely and I have managed to get lots of work done!
Which brings me to today - basically my last day ever of being a student! Ok, so not quite, but roughly 2 hours ago I handed in my Research Project, my last ever piece of work here at the university...and strangely enough...it doesn't feel like a massive relief! I reckon I'll be lying in bed tonight, my mind wildly active feeling guilty because I have nothing to think about! There has always been something, that next assignment, that deadline, etc etc, and now...I have nothing! Well, apart from that massive thing called getting a job! (gah!)
So for the time being, it's a case of lets try and chill and savour the last few moments of being a student! Graduation is in July so fingers crossed everything works out!
The other day we had the screening of our film at the Odeon in Manchester, I have to say it was fab! The other films were great and it was so good seeing everybody again! My Finland family were reunited! It's mad to think that one day I was coming to uni as a lost little 1st year, knowing nothing, and 3 years on: I've learned so much, done so much, been on an exchange, met so many amazing people, and we've made a film where it was screened at the Odeon! What can I say, it just gets better and better!
Having said that, I'm ready to move on now. Uni life has been great, they really have been the best 3 years of my life, and i don't regret a single thing! But now that it's coming to an end, I'm ready to move on and start my new life as...well not a student! Who knows what's ahead of me, but whatever it is, I'm excited! Xxx
23 May 2008
6 May 2008
Slog ahead, Succeed and Smile
I am currently writing this on the plane as I leave Finland via Munich back to Manchester. I thought I'd be an emotional wreck, but in all honesty only a few tears have been spilt for my beloved Finland, friends and experiences. Perhaps it's a delayed reaction, I certainly hope so because the last three months have meant the world to me.
I am extremely sad to wave goodbye to the land of Fins; but really I'm not waving goodbye, just saying Catch you Later, Take Care While I'm Gone. I will be back, mark my words, and if my last few days in Tampere were anything to go by, then without a doubt, I will return!
The last couple of days before we left Tampere were the celebrations of May Day. Up until now Tampere was a fairly quiet city that came out at night. Well, now that the sun has come out the population of the city has emeraged from the woodwork and are everywhere! April 30th marked the beginning of the May Day celebrations in Finland, which involved markets, lots of people and good fun! Unfortunately for us we still had work to be done (interviews for our project - how exciting) but after that we managed a nosey about. There were parties going on everywhere which we were invited to and had the best intentions of going to as well, but when you've been up since the crack of dawn everyday for a few weeks it starts to catch up on you and we just didn't have the strength for it! Nevermind, the next day was one not to miss! May 1st is the day when Finnish students graduate...so what you say? No, no, their graduation isn't like anything we know...theirs involves standing in a large topless cage suspended by a crane, then being dunked into the lake! It may be sunny but I can assure you the water is still pretty cold! It was amazing to watch, just seeing the difference in culture how they celebrate the coming of age as such, the moving on to adult life, so much more fun compared to how we do it; sitting in a large hall listening to boring speeches wearing a rediculous outfit! Hell, I think I know which I prefer! It was on this day that Tampere turns into a different city! There were people absolutely everywhere, where they'd been hiding I have no idea but the river bank was teeming with people and to be honest, it scared me a little as I'd never seen Tampere like this before! At the end of that day, exhausted and wanting to curl up into a hug, it was time to pack! Uh why I hadn't started earlier I have no idea, but I guess May Day is such a big thing in Finland that you just can't miss it!
Saying my Goodbye's were sad I have to admit, I didn't think I'd be as upset as I was or how attached I'd become, but at the end of the day it really is always hardest for those left behind. Looking back, I've made a very dear friend and will always smile at the thought. For the moment though, there was no time to be sad, we had a bus to catch to Helsinki and do numerous things before hand! Actually it all went extremely smooth for a change and we got there with little stress and time to spare! We had all of saturday free so for our last day in Finland a group of us decided to visit the island of Suomelinna; it was a fabulous day which only made this better, but also sad as it highlighted what we would be leaving behind! Suomelinna is an island with an old fort on, lots of museums, ducks, sea gulls and even some residents. We weren't to interested in looking at the museums so we just sat in the sun and had a picnic. It was a lovely relaxed afternoon, having a chat, soaking up the rays, just appreciating the calm before the storm so to speak; these literally last few hours before the manic life of the UK kicks in and the end of our degree is in our face!
It was nice while it lasted, but as we had an early morning flight to catch this meant the buses didn't get us there early enough, therefore we had to catch a bus at midnight in order to get there in time! You've not lived if you haven't slept on an airport, phew at least thats one box ticked off my list then! It was a relatively uncomfortable, and chilly experience but hey, we were first in queue at check in and even had time for a look around. Not very exciting I have to admit, but when we landed in Munich, I thought we'd have to leave a member of our group behind! We had an hour transit, so the shopaholic that she is said 'I'll see you back at 10 past'. Sure thing, she was back before 10 past, but because our connecting plane was out at the other side of the airport we needed a bus to get there, so they were calling people early! Man, we were calling her on the Tanoi, holding up the bus, and then finally we saw her running back! So, we were the last one's on the plane, but I guess that's another thing we can tick off - almost missing the plane but didn't quite! Ha fun and games (and heart attack).
Actually, at the peak of our Losing-our-friend stress, I checked my voicemail messages on my UK number and was met with a rather nice surprise! I had applied for a job as a 2nd Sound Assistant on HollyOaks and the message was asking me in for an interview! Woo so things might be coming into place after all! Well, maybe! The interview was for last week (even though I had said I was out the country - these people never listen) so although I did miss the interview I'm going to have to call them and say, could I have another one please?! What have I got to lose?! I don't know but man I need a holiday!
So, back to UK life now. Yep it was grey and miserable when we landed, surprise surprise, which resulted in me crying a little and thinking 'Why did I come back? I want to stay in Finland!'. Nevermind I guess, it's just another stepping stone for things to come! I'm staying with my aunty for the time being, so no distractions which means I'll be able to finish off my research project. Can't wait to meet up with my girlfriends again and have a good chat, catching up on the things I've missed in the last three months, spilling my beans and so forth; then it will be time to head back to Brunei, my home, for a short holiday. It will be lonely but I'll be back in the UK soon enough hopefully with a job to go to and a new chapter to begin...
I am extremely sad to wave goodbye to the land of Fins; but really I'm not waving goodbye, just saying Catch you Later, Take Care While I'm Gone. I will be back, mark my words, and if my last few days in Tampere were anything to go by, then without a doubt, I will return!
The last couple of days before we left Tampere were the celebrations of May Day. Up until now Tampere was a fairly quiet city that came out at night. Well, now that the sun has come out the population of the city has emeraged from the woodwork and are everywhere! April 30th marked the beginning of the May Day celebrations in Finland, which involved markets, lots of people and good fun! Unfortunately for us we still had work to be done (interviews for our project - how exciting) but after that we managed a nosey about. There were parties going on everywhere which we were invited to and had the best intentions of going to as well, but when you've been up since the crack of dawn everyday for a few weeks it starts to catch up on you and we just didn't have the strength for it! Nevermind, the next day was one not to miss! May 1st is the day when Finnish students graduate...so what you say? No, no, their graduation isn't like anything we know...theirs involves standing in a large topless cage suspended by a crane, then being dunked into the lake! It may be sunny but I can assure you the water is still pretty cold! It was amazing to watch, just seeing the difference in culture how they celebrate the coming of age as such, the moving on to adult life, so much more fun compared to how we do it; sitting in a large hall listening to boring speeches wearing a rediculous outfit! Hell, I think I know which I prefer! It was on this day that Tampere turns into a different city! There were people absolutely everywhere, where they'd been hiding I have no idea but the river bank was teeming with people and to be honest, it scared me a little as I'd never seen Tampere like this before! At the end of that day, exhausted and wanting to curl up into a hug, it was time to pack! Uh why I hadn't started earlier I have no idea, but I guess May Day is such a big thing in Finland that you just can't miss it!
Saying my Goodbye's were sad I have to admit, I didn't think I'd be as upset as I was or how attached I'd become, but at the end of the day it really is always hardest for those left behind. Looking back, I've made a very dear friend and will always smile at the thought. For the moment though, there was no time to be sad, we had a bus to catch to Helsinki and do numerous things before hand! Actually it all went extremely smooth for a change and we got there with little stress and time to spare! We had all of saturday free so for our last day in Finland a group of us decided to visit the island of Suomelinna; it was a fabulous day which only made this better, but also sad as it highlighted what we would be leaving behind! Suomelinna is an island with an old fort on, lots of museums, ducks, sea gulls and even some residents. We weren't to interested in looking at the museums so we just sat in the sun and had a picnic. It was a lovely relaxed afternoon, having a chat, soaking up the rays, just appreciating the calm before the storm so to speak; these literally last few hours before the manic life of the UK kicks in and the end of our degree is in our face!
It was nice while it lasted, but as we had an early morning flight to catch this meant the buses didn't get us there early enough, therefore we had to catch a bus at midnight in order to get there in time! You've not lived if you haven't slept on an airport, phew at least thats one box ticked off my list then! It was a relatively uncomfortable, and chilly experience but hey, we were first in queue at check in and even had time for a look around. Not very exciting I have to admit, but when we landed in Munich, I thought we'd have to leave a member of our group behind! We had an hour transit, so the shopaholic that she is said 'I'll see you back at 10 past'. Sure thing, she was back before 10 past, but because our connecting plane was out at the other side of the airport we needed a bus to get there, so they were calling people early! Man, we were calling her on the Tanoi, holding up the bus, and then finally we saw her running back! So, we were the last one's on the plane, but I guess that's another thing we can tick off - almost missing the plane but didn't quite! Ha fun and games (and heart attack).
Actually, at the peak of our Losing-our-friend stress, I checked my voicemail messages on my UK number and was met with a rather nice surprise! I had applied for a job as a 2nd Sound Assistant on HollyOaks and the message was asking me in for an interview! Woo so things might be coming into place after all! Well, maybe! The interview was for last week (even though I had said I was out the country - these people never listen) so although I did miss the interview I'm going to have to call them and say, could I have another one please?! What have I got to lose?! I don't know but man I need a holiday!
So, back to UK life now. Yep it was grey and miserable when we landed, surprise surprise, which resulted in me crying a little and thinking 'Why did I come back? I want to stay in Finland!'. Nevermind I guess, it's just another stepping stone for things to come! I'm staying with my aunty for the time being, so no distractions which means I'll be able to finish off my research project. Can't wait to meet up with my girlfriends again and have a good chat, catching up on the things I've missed in the last three months, spilling my beans and so forth; then it will be time to head back to Brunei, my home, for a short holiday. It will be lonely but I'll be back in the UK soon enough hopefully with a job to go to and a new chapter to begin...
24 April 2008
The Sun is Shining and I Break out in a Smile!

24th April 2008! With just over a week left in Finland I feel like the last 3 months have zoomed by as fast as a sneeze. Looking back over my photos of when I was in Helsinki at the star of my trip it seems like eons ago! And yet I'll be going back via Helsinki again next week but this time with a completely different outlook. I won't really be a tourist anymore, I won't be wandering around in utter amazement and disbelief...I'll be walking around like a resident almost! I certainly feel more relaxed and confident about 'knowing' Finland now! It's such a shame I couldn't make the most of being a true resident :(
Last week I also discovered the 'Kaupahalli' (indoor market)...amazing! Ok, so it sells mainly meat and bread, but there are other stalls, coffee shops and so forth and it just has just a great buzz thats's so comforting! I particularly enjoyed getting a sandwich and then sitting outside in the courtyard soaking up the sun with a great friend. It's at times like this when words are not necessary and all you have to do is look at the blue skies and smile! Actually, I know we're nearing summer now because the sun rises at like 5.30 and sets at about 10pm! As soon as I open my eyes and see clear blue skies straight away I'm set for a good day - I'm as simple as that!
Sitting with my girlefriends last night having a good chat, we've all realised how benefitial this trip has been to us all! I've discovered a more confident, adventurous side to myself; one flat mate said she's realised what direction she wants to take her life in (and I think she'll do it very successfully too!), and the other said how much she's grown as an adult, how you can't alter some things but the things you can do something about we do it with great passion! Why not?!
Our film is now coming to an end after so long...we are in the final stages of the Sound Edit, and will be finished by tomorrow! As much trouble as we have had during this project, I am still very fond of it and hold it close to my heart; we have all put so much effort into it, and I do think it's going to sound great (Ok, so I'm slightly biased as I'm co-Sound Editor!). I feel this has been with me for as long as I can remember, it has literally taken up almost every waking hour of the last 3 months and I feel like I'm going to be handing over an arm or a kidney at the premier on saturday! I just hope it's as appreciated as you would be if I were handing over my kidney!
Strangely this is a short one from me today...yes I do have work to do, but I think I want to avoid the topic of 'leaving' because as of next week I will be preparing to leave my home here in Tampere to start the next chapter in my life! More of that to come!...
6 April 2008
Last Month to Look up to...
So for all those lucky people back in the UK who have had a lovely long Easter break, I hope you've had a good one! Perhaps caught up with work, sleep, fun and so on! I only the other hand, have had no Easter break! For us lucky Salfordians here in Finland, we got a long weekend! Not to worry because even if we did have longer we'd still be working our little selves to death! (More about that...!) Easter weekend we decided to go out for a boogie and yes, it was that day (morning/night/early hours whatever!) that the clocks went forward! So we lost an hour! This then resulted in massive queues for the bus which meant we had to wait for an hour and a half in the cold for the next bus (we were actually in the Taxi queue but that was just as long!). Not to worry, I think there was something about the clocks going forward which instantly brought us into spring! The coming week resulted in lots and lots of gorgeous sunshine, a dramatic raise in temperature (+5!) - enough to only wear a shirt - and a complete change in people! I was walking around the town centre and there seemed to be a million more people walking about, actually smiling, looking cheery and chairs out on terraces at cafes! Just seeing this plastered a mahoosive smile on my own face (nothing makes me smile more than blue skies, sunshine and other people smiling!). It gets dark pretty late now too, like at 8.30pm which is always a bonus, that warm afternoon glow in the sky pouring into my room, beautiful!
Although I did say we've been majorly busy this past week, I meant more the editors of our film! There were a few problems at the beginning, naturally, but all seemed to have worked out and the editing team are putting every waking hour into getting the film finished. I have seen one of the editors walking around almost like a zombie she's been staring at the screen so long till the early hours of the morning! Thats dedication for you! This coming week is my turn for Sound edit...we originally thought there were going to be millions of problems and we'd have to work solidly for 2 weeks to finish it (which I was more than prepared to do, you have to!) but luckily the Sound wasn't as problematic as we thought. So perhaps only a few sleepless nights for me! I'm sure there'll be more on this to come!
Along with editing, we met the composer for our film! He is another student where we are at TTVO and he's a really cool guy! His band play rock music, but includes a banjo and fiddle! A rather bizarre combination but we'd heard lots of great things so we were willing to give him some creative freedom! He also invited us to a gig of his which even if he wasn't going to be our composer we would have gone to! I'm soooo glad we went because it was fab! The band are called Jaakko and Jay (the composer and the drummer's names) and they were awesome! So much energy and great music! It was a fantastic night and that's one more thing we can tick off our list of 'Things to do in Tampere'!
So, as my last month here is rather quickly disappearing (much to my disappointment) and the work loads seems to be tripling, I'm determined to make my outlook three times as optimistic! Yes, my time as a student is coming to an end, only to be highlighted by my return to England; the work load could possibly bring on an early menopause; I'll be waving goodbye to some dearly beloved friends and I'll be separated from my flatmates (whom I have begun to think of as sisters), I have to think positive! Ending life as student surely means that I am progressing into adulthood, responisibilites and the Real World (all of which give me a slight thrill if I'm completely honest!); surely the work counts for something and just shows what I've learnt in the last 3 years; there's no such thing as Goodbye, you can make anything possible if you try; and at the end of the day, my flamates aren't moving too far away, at most an hours drive! There is also a possibility of getting together over the summer and making another film! Surely that's something to get excited about! During my trip here I've mentioned a few times that I think I'm due a good cry, because I'm sure I should have had one by now (about anything: moving away, homesickness, etc etc)! But come to think of it, the only reason I would shed a tear right now is because I'm so unbelievably happy and proud of where I am, what I have achieved, who I've met and what the future holds! At New Years I told myself that this was going to be My Year, and even if the year were to end now, I'd say it has been! Who knows what's in store for the rest of the year but whatever it is, I say Bring it on! :D
Although I did say we've been majorly busy this past week, I meant more the editors of our film! There were a few problems at the beginning, naturally, but all seemed to have worked out and the editing team are putting every waking hour into getting the film finished. I have seen one of the editors walking around almost like a zombie she's been staring at the screen so long till the early hours of the morning! Thats dedication for you! This coming week is my turn for Sound edit...we originally thought there were going to be millions of problems and we'd have to work solidly for 2 weeks to finish it (which I was more than prepared to do, you have to!) but luckily the Sound wasn't as problematic as we thought. So perhaps only a few sleepless nights for me! I'm sure there'll be more on this to come!
Along with editing, we met the composer for our film! He is another student where we are at TTVO and he's a really cool guy! His band play rock music, but includes a banjo and fiddle! A rather bizarre combination but we'd heard lots of great things so we were willing to give him some creative freedom! He also invited us to a gig of his which even if he wasn't going to be our composer we would have gone to! I'm soooo glad we went because it was fab! The band are called Jaakko and Jay (the composer and the drummer's names) and they were awesome! So much energy and great music! It was a fantastic night and that's one more thing we can tick off our list of 'Things to do in Tampere'!
So, as my last month here is rather quickly disappearing (much to my disappointment) and the work loads seems to be tripling, I'm determined to make my outlook three times as optimistic! Yes, my time as a student is coming to an end, only to be highlighted by my return to England; the work load could possibly bring on an early menopause; I'll be waving goodbye to some dearly beloved friends and I'll be separated from my flatmates (whom I have begun to think of as sisters), I have to think positive! Ending life as student surely means that I am progressing into adulthood, responisibilites and the Real World (all of which give me a slight thrill if I'm completely honest!); surely the work counts for something and just shows what I've learnt in the last 3 years; there's no such thing as Goodbye, you can make anything possible if you try; and at the end of the day, my flamates aren't moving too far away, at most an hours drive! There is also a possibility of getting together over the summer and making another film! Surely that's something to get excited about! During my trip here I've mentioned a few times that I think I'm due a good cry, because I'm sure I should have had one by now (about anything: moving away, homesickness, etc etc)! But come to think of it, the only reason I would shed a tear right now is because I'm so unbelievably happy and proud of where I am, what I have achieved, who I've met and what the future holds! At New Years I told myself that this was going to be My Year, and even if the year were to end now, I'd say it has been! Who knows what's in store for the rest of the year but whatever it is, I say Bring it on! :D
26 March 2008
Time to Slow Down!

Wow, what a mad 2 weeks! We finally finished filming last week, and how glad am I! Like I mentioned in my last blog, we had a few 14-17 hours shoots, how amazingly long they were! Our last day filming consisted of being outside in -8 degrees from 9am to 5pm! (Yes, so much for my little rant about the weather!) Luckily, from past experience I knew it would be a long day, and although we were scheduled to finish at about 1pm, that was never going to happen! Not with our group! I knew it was going to be a long day so I came prepared to be standing around in the cold! Fashion was not an option, it was ski pants, thermals and hand warmers all the way! And, unlike some people, I was rather warm apart from my toes and fingertips! It was also a lovely sunny day too so despite the freezing cold, at least the sun was shining and there was something to smile about! Somehow we always manage to stretch things out as long as we can in our group, this time our deadline was the sun setting! I admit, I really hate it, and I do think it's because the majority of us are girls and we all want our say in it. I do feel sorry for the 2 boys in the group as they have so much to put up with! The one thing I have learned from my different experiences in filming is that a good team makes the film. Without the team you have nothing, even if you have a red hot script/actor/whatever...it's the team. Because if the crew aren't happy then the actor's won't be either and it is all reflected in what you produce. In our case, we have a lot of clashing personalities; sure we all get on, but I think the fact that we have to be with each other all the time, we're in another country together, all dependent on each other. Sometimes it gets too much and we end up snapping at each other, but it doesn't help the working environment. That aside, we did all put our best efforts into making this film. We've had some up's and down's with the shoot, as you do, obstacles to overcome, which we did, and now it's finally over we can sigh a breath of relief and think, ok it's time to chill now, let the Editors work their magic, see what they can bring to the film. Then after that in a few weeks time it's my turn to have a play, Sound Design time, and this should be fun! Several of our scenes are set in 'purgatory'...this is our time to get creative!! Fingers crossed I've caught up on all my sleep by then! This is also my chance to get some work done for my research project. Being so full on these last few weeks really takes it out of you and you can't think of anything else but the film, so now at least I have a bit of time to myself just to think!
Work aside, this weekend I've tried to just chill and get over the stress! We managed to catch another Ice Hockey match, it was part of the season play offs so the tension was high! It was a rather violent game and boy were there some injuries! And of course, we won! (I use the term We as I am officially an avid supporter of Tappara-and I just want to belong!) Me and some friends also went out sledging again at the observation tower and once again, we got kicked off our hill by some kid of about 8years old snow boarding! God, you'd think they were born on ski's! With our pride to look after we went for that much welcomed coffee and doughnut! Hmm yum yum!
Naturally, since my last blog where I ranted on and on about how it was getting 'warm', it has snowed non-stop and this morning we had a blizzard which we had to struggle through to get to uni! Although it was 'only' -5 the snow was so thick and we couldn't see where we were going, just wandering into the middle of the road, guidelessly trying to get to the bus stop! It was pretty amazing I have to say, the snow is all fluffy and sparkly...ah the girl in me is coming out again! Although, I am glad it didn't start snowing till after filming had finished, that would have just been a nightmare! Not only the long hours, but the continuity too! Phew!
A lot of the people in our group are now ready to go back home, I on the other hand don't want to leave! I've made some pretty special friends here and it has opened my eyes so much just coming here! I know for a fact that I will be rediculously sad when I leave here, it is leaving a big footprint on my heart and I will not forget this whole experience for as long as I live. Sure, I've wanted to strangle a few people - being surrounded by the same people every day, all day long - and we have had many challenges with our jobs and roles, but at the end of the day, we are here to learn and learn from our mistakes! I know for a fact that everyone is going to walk away from here knowing that they have learned something, something that they will keep forever!
13 March 2008
The Filming Begins...
As I have now reached the 'halfway' mark of my trip, it is very apparent that I don't want to leave! I'm having such a great time here I want to stay for much much longer! On the otherhand, some things must be done (such as graduating!) and there are small things which I do miss back in England and Brunei, such as sunshine (from Brunei!) and familiar food and the choice as in England. And these things I only miss when I am lacking inspiration for a meal or just need some warmth! Having said that, I do feel that I have been completely lied to in regards to the weather here! I was promised that it would be -20 here..and so far the coldest has been -12! The average temperature now is +2 and the snow is rapidly melting! We pass a big lake everyday on the bus, and before it has always been partially frozen or comepletely frozen...well the other day we went past it and ther were ripples on the surface! What is this?!! It's practically summer! Haha well as long as I have seen snow here it's ok i guess, I'm satisfied!
The exciting part of my trip has finally arrived! We started filming our film on monday! So far we have been doing night shoots, yesterdays was particularly exhausting! We were filming our Office location for 14hours! We didn't wrap till gone 6.30am (and I think we only finished at that time because we were fighting against the sunrise)! Then we had to pack up, so I didn't actually get home into bed intil 8am! Not only that, I hadn't eaten anything proper since 3.30 that afternoon, we had all been snacking on biscuits and cups of tea all night! So by the time we had finished I felt sick from hunger, but the thought of eating made me feel even worse! A vicious cycle! As much as the entire shoot was physically and emotionally draining, we all had such a great time! We all love doing what we do therefore we don't mind staying till all hours of the morning working! That is the great thing, we all pitch in and get things done (sometimes extremely slowly!) but we don't mind doing it, we enjoy it together which by far is the best experience when you complete something that you've put so much effort into! I really can't wait to see the end result! But not only that, I had my small but crutial (ok a slight exaggeration!) acting role! My back and shoulders did a good job I feel and I had to bump into the main character, I feel my performance was convincing!! Oscars here we come! Luckily we now have a few days to recover from our long stint in the Office before our next long shoot which is monday. I think we're scheduled for a 15 hour day so that again will be fun and games! This time next week should be 'a wrap'!!
Apart from lots of Uni work, I have been trying to fill every moment here! Myself and my flatmate have been making regular trips to my buildings' sauna where we have a good chat and become more at home in Finland! I really enjoy it as it's so relaxing and a great way to de-stress, especially in the past week during pre-production! We also managed to get free tickets to the Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra next month, that I am looking forward to a lot! While I was here I really wanted to do some travelling, especially see Tallin and Stockholm, but I really don't think we're going to have time! As unfortunate as it is we are so full on here we don't have any time to spare. On the otherhand, that's just another excuse to come back! We might get a chance to visit Lapland, but perhaps it will be better to go mid-winter when we are guaranteed to be snowed in! The Finnish summer is a must though I have been told, so rest assured, I will be back!
The exciting part of my trip has finally arrived! We started filming our film on monday! So far we have been doing night shoots, yesterdays was particularly exhausting! We were filming our Office location for 14hours! We didn't wrap till gone 6.30am (and I think we only finished at that time because we were fighting against the sunrise)! Then we had to pack up, so I didn't actually get home into bed intil 8am! Not only that, I hadn't eaten anything proper since 3.30 that afternoon, we had all been snacking on biscuits and cups of tea all night! So by the time we had finished I felt sick from hunger, but the thought of eating made me feel even worse! A vicious cycle! As much as the entire shoot was physically and emotionally draining, we all had such a great time! We all love doing what we do therefore we don't mind staying till all hours of the morning working! That is the great thing, we all pitch in and get things done (sometimes extremely slowly!) but we don't mind doing it, we enjoy it together which by far is the best experience when you complete something that you've put so much effort into! I really can't wait to see the end result! But not only that, I had my small but crutial (ok a slight exaggeration!) acting role! My back and shoulders did a good job I feel and I had to bump into the main character, I feel my performance was convincing!! Oscars here we come! Luckily we now have a few days to recover from our long stint in the Office before our next long shoot which is monday. I think we're scheduled for a 15 hour day so that again will be fun and games! This time next week should be 'a wrap'!!
Apart from lots of Uni work, I have been trying to fill every moment here! Myself and my flatmate have been making regular trips to my buildings' sauna where we have a good chat and become more at home in Finland! I really enjoy it as it's so relaxing and a great way to de-stress, especially in the past week during pre-production! We also managed to get free tickets to the Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra next month, that I am looking forward to a lot! While I was here I really wanted to do some travelling, especially see Tallin and Stockholm, but I really don't think we're going to have time! As unfortunate as it is we are so full on here we don't have any time to spare. On the otherhand, that's just another excuse to come back! We might get a chance to visit Lapland, but perhaps it will be better to go mid-winter when we are guaranteed to be snowed in! The Finnish summer is a must though I have been told, so rest assured, I will be back!
21 February 2008
Ice Hockey and Doughnuts
It's been another week here in Tampere and I have to say, as every day passes, the more and more I think I could so live here! If there was a possibility to work here I would grab their hands off and move tomorrow! There's just something about Finland that I love, I can't decide whether it's the beauty of the place, the people, the weather, I don't know! Maybe it's a combination of them all, but whatever it is, I will be coming back! Actually, when I have been speaking to random Finnish people here they always point out how depressed the Fins are, and yet, whenever I meet people I really don't get that vibe! Everyone I have met so far has been so lovely and helpful and generally very jolly! They are quite crazy here I admit! The amount of people I see wearing weird outfits, crazy hair, all sorts, it's fab!
Actually, last saturday myself and my friends went to watch an Ice Hockey game and I have to say, it was amazing!! I've never seen ice hockey before, actually I don't really like sports, but this one game sold it to me! I'm now a fan! I am just so desperate to watch another game! I am now a supporter of Tappara and want to get the whole T shirt thing! Oh yes they've sold it to me now, I think I might even be becoming part Finnish! We also went sledging which was extremely fun too! In England when (I stress When!) it snows, it's like mush, but here it's so great! And it hasn't even been snowing that much too, but there's still enough to sledge on and well I have to say I had a blast! This particular hill we found was very steep and lined with trees (yes, I saw the dangers too!) and it was actually probably more icey and snowy but we went for it and it was breath-takingly awesome! THEN! Some little kids came along and started competing with us! On their knees and all sorts, they had an advantage I say, they live here and they see snow all the time! We're amateurs! Show offs! Anyway they moved on and left us alone, I think our screams and rediculousness was embarassing them :D The place where we were as well had an observation tower which apparently sold the best doughnuts in town, so naturally we had to check it out! I agree, they were pretty good! And the views were amazing! It amazed me how such a large mass of water can actually freeze (refering to the massive lake) - and when I said that all my friend gave me that look of 'oh god, what is she talking about now?! of course it can freeze!' haha it still amazes me!
Anyway apart from having lots of fun in the snow our classes have been going great! This week we are learning about Sound, which is my department, and it has been fab! Lots of interesting things to learn and our teachers know so much and are soo enthusiastic! This one guy we have is really small and thin, has the wildest hair and knows everything there is to know about Sound! He's my hero! Today we were having a play about with all the equipment; camera, mic, track and dolly, lights and of course our actors! It was really great doing this again, it's what I love doing, but man it was cold! Standing outside at -3 all afternoon is not something to take lightly! Luckily I was prepared, wore my thermals (woo!), 100 layers, hats, hoodie etc etc and was actually toasty warm! The only problem was, I was wearing extremely padded mittens and couldn't do a thing! I had to get everybody to get things out of my pockets, to zip up my coat, everything! I had my headphones keeping my ears warm too! Fun and games it was, looking forward to our shooting schedule in a few weeks, even though it will be so intense, like 7am-10pm kind of thing, but I guess that's all part of the business, and that's why we love it!! x
Actually, last saturday myself and my friends went to watch an Ice Hockey game and I have to say, it was amazing!! I've never seen ice hockey before, actually I don't really like sports, but this one game sold it to me! I'm now a fan! I am just so desperate to watch another game! I am now a supporter of Tappara and want to get the whole T shirt thing! Oh yes they've sold it to me now, I think I might even be becoming part Finnish! We also went sledging which was extremely fun too! In England when (I stress When!) it snows, it's like mush, but here it's so great! And it hasn't even been snowing that much too, but there's still enough to sledge on and well I have to say I had a blast! This particular hill we found was very steep and lined with trees (yes, I saw the dangers too!) and it was actually probably more icey and snowy but we went for it and it was breath-takingly awesome! THEN! Some little kids came along and started competing with us! On their knees and all sorts, they had an advantage I say, they live here and they see snow all the time! We're amateurs! Show offs! Anyway they moved on and left us alone, I think our screams and rediculousness was embarassing them :D The place where we were as well had an observation tower which apparently sold the best doughnuts in town, so naturally we had to check it out! I agree, they were pretty good! And the views were amazing! It amazed me how such a large mass of water can actually freeze (refering to the massive lake) - and when I said that all my friend gave me that look of 'oh god, what is she talking about now?! of course it can freeze!' haha it still amazes me!
Anyway apart from having lots of fun in the snow our classes have been going great! This week we are learning about Sound, which is my department, and it has been fab! Lots of interesting things to learn and our teachers know so much and are soo enthusiastic! This one guy we have is really small and thin, has the wildest hair and knows everything there is to know about Sound! He's my hero! Today we were having a play about with all the equipment; camera, mic, track and dolly, lights and of course our actors! It was really great doing this again, it's what I love doing, but man it was cold! Standing outside at -3 all afternoon is not something to take lightly! Luckily I was prepared, wore my thermals (woo!), 100 layers, hats, hoodie etc etc and was actually toasty warm! The only problem was, I was wearing extremely padded mittens and couldn't do a thing! I had to get everybody to get things out of my pockets, to zip up my coat, everything! I had my headphones keeping my ears warm too! Fun and games it was, looking forward to our shooting schedule in a few weeks, even though it will be so intense, like 7am-10pm kind of thing, but I guess that's all part of the business, and that's why we love it!! x
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