24th April 2008! With just over a week left in Finland I feel like the last 3 months have zoomed by as fast as a sneeze. Looking back over my photos of when I was in Helsinki at the star of my trip it seems like eons ago! And yet I'll be going back via Helsinki again next week but this time with a completely different outlook. I won't really be a tourist anymore, I won't be wandering around in utter amazement and disbelief...I'll be walking around like a resident almost! I certainly feel more relaxed and confident about 'knowing' Finland now! It's such a shame I couldn't make the most of being a true resident :(
Last week I also discovered the 'Kaupahalli' (indoor market)...amazing! Ok, so it sells mainly meat and bread, but there are other stalls, coffee shops and so forth and it just has just a great buzz thats's so comforting! I particularly enjoyed getting a sandwich and then sitting outside in the courtyard soaking up the sun with a great friend. It's at times like this when words are not necessary and all you have to do is look at the blue skies and smile! Actually, I know we're nearing summer now because the sun rises at like 5.30 and sets at about 10pm! As soon as I open my eyes and see clear blue skies straight away I'm set for a good day - I'm as simple as that!
Sitting with my girlefriends last night having a good chat, we've all realised how benefitial this trip has been to us all! I've discovered a more confident, adventurous side to myself; one flat mate said she's realised what direction she wants to take her life in (and I think she'll do it very successfully too!), and the other said how much she's grown as an adult, how you can't alter some things but the things you can do something about we do it with great passion! Why not?!
Our film is now coming to an end after so long...we are in the final stages of the Sound Edit, and will be finished by tomorrow! As much trouble as we have had during this project, I am still very fond of it and hold it close to my heart; we have all put so much effort into it, and I do think it's going to sound great (Ok, so I'm slightly biased as I'm co-Sound Editor!). I feel this has been with me for as long as I can remember, it has literally taken up almost every waking hour of the last 3 months and I feel like I'm going to be handing over an arm or a kidney at the premier on saturday! I just hope it's as appreciated as you would be if I were handing over my kidney!
Strangely this is a short one from me today...yes I do have work to do, but I think I want to avoid the topic of 'leaving' because as of next week I will be preparing to leave my home here in Tampere to start the next chapter in my life! More of that to come!...